Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Type 1 and 2 Writes


9/08/07 Help With Psychological Addiction
For many smokers it is hard to quit smoking because of the social and emotional ties that they have with smoking. Most states have and offer a free telephone -based program to help people quit. These people help you develop a program that is for you to quit. People who use this program stop smoking at twice the rate of those whom dont. Telephone counceling is easier for people because they can do it at any time. Most of the time it is easier for people to quit if they have help from family and friends. Here are three things that that youe should look for in a non smokers support group.

1. Session length – at least 20 to 30 minutes per session

2. Number of sessions – at least 4 to 7 sessions

3. Number of weeks – at least 2 weeks

There are some programs to watch out for as well.Not all programs are ethical. You should be concerned about programs that do the following:
1. Promise instant, easy success with no effort on your part.
2. Use injections or pills, especially "secret" ingredients.
3. Charge a very high fee.

4. They are not willing to provide references from people who have taken the class.

9/02/07 Sexually Transmitted Infections:1.

Chlamydia It is an infection caused by bacteria.-You can get it by having sexual contact with another person who has the infection.Some symptoms for females may be pelvic pain, painful/frequent urination, vaginal discharge, bleeding after intercourse or there may not be any symptoms at all.Some symptoms for males may be painful urination, discharge from penis or there may not be any at all.The only way to know you have the infection for sure is to get a urine or discharge sample sent to a lab.It is treated with an antibiotic.If you don't take care of it then it may cause severe infections of the reproductive organs, you can spread it to other sex partners. You can also pass this infection from mother to infant during child birth.

Gonorrhea It is an infection caused by bacteria.-How can get it by having sexual contact with someone who has the infection.Some symptoms for females may be pelvic pain, painful urination, vaginal discharge, fever, blood/pus from anus, sore throat or they may be none.Some symptoms for males may be painful urination, discharge from penis, blood/pus from anus, sore throat or there may be none.The only way to know for sure that you have this infection is to get a urine or discharge sample sent to a lab.This infection is treated with antibiotics.If you neglect to take care of this the it may cause PID mand/or infertility, heart trouble, skin issues and/or arthritis, you can spread it to partners and a mother can pass it to her child during birth.

Syphilis It's a bacterial infection-The only way to get it is to have sexual contact with someone who has it.-Some symptoms during the early stages are painful sores on mouth, penis, vagina, anus, or elsewhere on the body.-You can find out if you have it by getting a medical examination of the sores or a blood test.-It may be treated with antibiotics but may need hospitalization.-If you neglect to treat this is may get as far as the second or even third stage. Syptims of the second stae are rash, fever, hair loss, body aches, sore throat, swollen glands and/or new sores. If it gets as far as the thrid stage it may get as severe as heart damage, brain damage, can cause PID, severe damage to fetus and it may even go as far as death

HIV/AIDS-It is a virus that damages the immune system which decreases the bodies ability to fight infections.-You are able to get this infection by having sexual contact with someone who has it, blood to blood contact with someone who has it, sharing contaminated needles or breast milk.-Some symptoms are fever, chillsm drenching night sweats, weaight loss, constant diarrhea, drycough with shortness of breath, constant fatigue, swollen glands, pink/purple raised blotches on/under the skin, white spots in mouth or there may be no symptoms at all.-You can know for sure by getting a blood test or an orasure test done.-Even though there is still no cure for this infection there's a mixture medications that can be taken to boost the immune system and fight the spread of infection and accompanying illnesses.-If you neglect this you may develop a/some life threatening illness/illnesses, can be passed from mother to child during birth, sex partners and needle sharing partners.

Genital Herpes-This is an infection caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus.-How can get this infection by having sexual contact or skin to skin contact with someone who has it. This virus may be passed weather there are sores present or not.-You may get painful blisters that will break into open sores and swollen glands. The sores will dry up and dissapear within 5-21 days.-You should get a medical examination, fluid form sores sent to a lab and/or a blood test to know for sure.-The infection will never leave your body however there are medications or cream that you can use to speed up the healing process and prevent future outbreaks. -The sores come and go with stress and/or illnesses, you can spread this to your sex partners, and can be passed from mother to child during birth which may cause sickness and maybe even death.

Genital Warts-This infection is cause by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).-Can be passed by having sexual or skin to skin contact with someone who has HPV and it can be passes even if warts arent visible.-Small painless bumps which grows in/around genitals, may have slight itching or irritation or there may not be any symptoms. -To know for sure you should get either a medical exam or a pap test.-Once you are infected with this it stays in yoru body however you can get the warts burned, froze or cut off. May require surgery.-Can be passed from mother to child during birth, can be passed to sex partners and the warts can grow, spread, and become harder to remove.

Pubic Lice/Crabs-It's a parasite that lives in the hair around genitals.-This is mostly passed by sexual or skin to skin contact but can be passed through infested towels, clothing and/or bedding.-Some symptoms may be severe itching, lice or eggs in pubic hair and small dots of blood ion panties.-The only way to know for sure it to get a visual examination.-This can be treated by using a special shampoo/lotion, wash all bedding/clothing, have others who may also have it checked and treated.-If you don't take care of this the symptoms can get worse, may lead to bacterial infection and can spread to others.

October 2, 2007 Contraceptives

The Birth Control Pill:-This pill is 92-99% effective if taken correctly. You should take one pill everyday. Taking this can make periods more regular, less painful, improve acne, it cna lower the riskk of ovarian cancer and the ablility to get prgnant returns quicky after stopping. Some side effacts could be weight gain, spotting, headaches, and possibly nausea. These side effects vary between the different pills and the person.

The Progestin-Only Pill:-This pill is also 92-99% effective and one pill must be taken at the same time everyday. Your ability to get pregnant returns quickly after stopping and can be used while breastfeeding. Some side effects may be spotting.

The patch (Ortho Evra):-Like the others so far it is 92-99% effective. You put on a new patch once a week for 3 weeks and then on the 4th week you dont wear one. This can make periods more regular and less painful, there is no pill to take daily and your ablility to get pregnant returns quickly after stopping. Wearing a patch for 3 weeks out of the month can irritate the skin underneath and/or around it.

The Ring (Nuvaring):-92-99% effective. A small ring is inserted into the vagina and a you insert a new one each month. This does not require any fitting done by a doctor or any spermicide. This method liek many others can make your period more regular and less painful. There is no pill to take daily and the your ablility to get pregnant returns quickly after stopping. however, this can cause vaginal discharge.

IUD Intrauterine Device (ParaFard, Mirena):-This method is 98-99% effective. This must be placed in the uterus by a doctor or health care provider must be removed also by a doctor or health care provider. Some good things about this method is that there is nothing to put in place before having sexual intercourse, the ParaGard may be in place for up to 12 years, Mirena may be left in place for up to 5 years. There is no pill to take daily and your ablility to get pregnant returns quickly after removal. May reduce period cramps, bleeding and cn be used while breastfeeding. Some negative things about this method may be that ParaGard may cause an increase in cramps and heavier and longer periods but it may also cause lighter or fewer periods. Spotting may occur and very rarely the uterus can be injured during placement.

Male Latex Condoms can be 85-98% effective (depending on if it was used correctly or not). You need to use a new condom everytime you have sex. Condoms are easy to buy, there is no prescription needed. It can beput on as part of sex play. It can help relieve early ejaculation and it protects against many infections including HIV

Female Condom:-79-75% effective and you need to use a new one everytime you have sex. It is easy to buy, no prescription needed. Canbe put in as part of sex play. This method is good for people with latex allergy and protects you form many infections including HIV. Some side effects may be that it can slip out of place during sex and sometimes it may be hard to insert. It may also be noisy and it can irritate teh vagina and/or penis.

Spermicide (cream, gel, foam, inserts)-This is 71-82% effective. It must be ised everytime you have sex. It's easy to buy, no prescription needed. Cna be put in as a part of sex play and it comes in many different forms: cream, gel, foam, inserts. Using spermicide nonoxynol-9 may increase your risk of getting the HIV infection. You may have an allergy to latex or spemicide. This method should not be used during vaginal bleeding or infection and it also increases your risk of getting a bladder infection.

Diaphragm:-This can be from 80-94% effective. This must be used everytime you have sex and must be used with spermicide each time. It must must also be fitted be a health care provider. It can last several years adn costs very little to use. It can pritect you from some infections (NOT HIV). Using spermicide may increase your risk of getting the HIV infection. Allergy to latex or spermicide. This method should not be used during vaginal bleeding or infection and by using this method you increase your risk of getting a bladder infection.

The implant (Implanon):-This method is over 99% effective. A doctor must place this under the skin of the upper arm and it must also be removed by a doctor. This may be left in place for up to 3 years. Your ability to get pregnant returns quickly after removal. There is no daily medicine and can be used while breastfeeding. This may cause changes in your period. (spotting, heavier periods or no period at all) After 1 year many women dont have a period at all.

The Shot (Depo-Provera):-This shot is 97% effective. Every 3 months you go to your doctor and get another shot. Each shot works for 12 years and helps prevent cancer of the uterus (womb). There is no pill to take every day and can be used while breastfeeding. This may cause changes in your period. (spotting, heavier periods or no period at all). May cause weight gain, depression, hair loss, skin rash and change sex drive. This method may cause a delay in getting pregnant after shots are stopped and some women may have side effects for upto 6 months after stopping.

Emergency Contraception (Plan B):-This is 75-89% effective depending on how long you wait after having unprotected sex to take the pill. You take 2 pills together as soon as you can after having unprotected sex. Women and men 18 and older do not need a prescription. This can lower the risk of getting oregnant if taken within 5 days of unprotected sex and can be used while breatfeeding. Side effects other than nausea are not frequent, (vomiting, fatigue, headache, dizziness and breast pain). The next period sometimes comes a few days early or a few days late.

Testicular CancerTesticular cancer is only in men. It is a rare cancer that is starting to become very common. There are about 9,000 cases per year reported in the US. It is affects many been between 15 and 45. It is a very treatable cancer and is easily detected. There are a few symptoms that can help detect it. The symptoms are if there is a bump in a testicle, pain in the abs, swelling of the breasts, and being tired a lot. The causes of the cancer are unknown. Most of the time it starts when there is a germ in your ball sack.
Some things that increase your risk of testicular cancer. It is a a problem that is passed down from generation to generation. It is also common mostly in white men versus other races. The cancer can be detected by using ultra sound or by getting a blood work.There are two ways to treat testicular cancer. The cancer is removed by surgery. This has no ill side effects and doesn't result in sterilization. Radiation therapy is another form of treating the cancer. This can have a few side effects. There is no way to prevent testicular cancer but it can be easily detected. Many doctors recommend a self exam once a month

Cervical Cancer
HPV stands for human papilloma virus. There are over 100 types of this virus but only about 40 are sex related Some types produce warts — plantar warts on the feet and common hand warts. Some affect the genital sex organs.
HPV can cause Cervical Cancer. HPV is a common virus. There are 40 types of it that are sexually transmitted. A few types of HPV can cause cervical cancer. There is a vaccine to prevent two of the types that cause 70 percent of the cases of cervical cancer. Many people say that it is important to get a Pap test even for women who have been vaccinated against it. How many people are affected by this at any time about 20 million people in the U.S. have them. Between 10 and 15 million have high-risk that are cervical cancer.

Shared Projects From Peers

Class Vitamins
Vitamin D helps regulate the calcium and phosphorus, when sent to the liver and kidney it also acts as a hormone that messages the intestines to increase the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D is created when exposed to the sun or eating certain foods. You may get a lot of Vitamin D from various plants, egg yolk and fish oil. You cannot get Vitamin D overdose from just being out in the sun but if you eat to much food that contains a lot of Vitamin D then there are problems that include rickets, bowing of you bones or severe liver disease. Vitamin D is not a fully understood Vitamin but is understood to help kill and cure the body of cancer cells.

Wendell Rogers
Vitamin P or bioflavonoids are compounds found in ample amounts within plants. They serve in the defense and pigmentation of plants. Unlike many active plant compounds flavonoids have a low toxicity. Flavonoids are known for their anti-oxidant properties. And although have been called Vitamin P for ease, are not really vitamins.Flavonoids are helpful in the absorption of Vitamin C and are more potent when taken together. However flavonoids are absorbed poorly by the body, at only about 5% . Research has also shown that flavonoids are quickly metabolized by the body, as they are seen as foreign bodies. Therefore the newest belief is that the flavonoids do not act directly in the body, but that it is the bodies reaction against them that is beneficial, almost in the same way as a vaccination. Flavonoids can provide anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-cancer services.Flavonoids are found in most plants but the white membrane below citrus peel, as well as peppers, grapes, red wine, onions, garlic, blue and red berries, green tea and buckwheat are specifically high in them. There is little problem with deficiencies, interactions or overdoses with a decent diet, as flavonoids are common within our foods. In extreme causes an overdose of flavonoids can cause diarrhea.

Vitamin H or Biotin is part of the B vitamin group. It is required for many parts of life. It is used in the growth of cells, the metabolism of fats, and plays a role in the transfer of energy from food to the body. Its benefits include healthy hair, sweat glands, and it helps with muscle pain. There are many effects on the body when you are not getting enough vitamin H. The most visible side effect is hair loss. It can result in complete baldness. Other symptoms from not enough vitamin H is dry skin, loss of appetite and, high cholesterol. There are no known side effects from too much vitamin H. Vitamin H is supposed to be taken along with other B group vitamins. Vitamin H is present in cheese, liver, eggs, chicken breast, mushrooms, salmon, and spinach.

Vitamin D (Chrolecalciferol, sunshine vitamin)Cholecalciferol is a vitamin that can help with the absorption of calcium from the stomach and to help with the functioning of calcium throughout your body. Cholecalciferol helps people who have low calcium levels or to prevent it from happening. Chloecalciferol can also prevent osteoporosis. If you have kidney problems, heart disease, or circulation problems then you should not take this vitamin. It has yet to be found out if over usage of this product will hurt an unborn child.When taking this pill you should drink a full glass of water. You should NEVER crush up this pill and take it. You should take this pill as directed by your doctor or read the directions. If you miss a dose you should take it as soon as you can, but if it is close to your next dose for that day then skip the day that you missed. You should also not use mineral oil.If you're taking this pill and you get any allergic reaction, irregular heartbeat, nausea, constipation, dry mouth, weakness, headache, muscle or bone pain, or drowsiness then stop taking this vitamin and contact your doctor.

Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) performs as a coenzyme for the creation of DNA and benefits growth and cell development. B-12 comes from dairy products, eggs, and flounder. If you don't have enough vitamin B-12 you will become nausiated, have loss of appetite, and a sore mouth. Tobacco and alcohol reduce the absorption of vitamin.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine, pyridoxal phosphate)...Performs as a coenzyme (which is a small organic but non-protein molecule that carries a chemical group between enzymes) and affects the body’s use of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. It helps convert tryptophan (which is an essential amino acid that's involved in human nutrition) to niacin (which is most important to functions in the production of energy from the body’s blood sugar. It is also necessary to the production of fats in the human body. Niacin is also essential for correct functioning of the nervous system) It may be found in meat, fish, eggs, milk, and whole grain foods. This vitamin promotes healthy cardiovasicular, nervous, and immune systems. Supports healthy hair, skin and normal red-blood-cell development. Assists in the creation of food energy and possible anemia treatment. It functions as a tranquilizer, it's important for healthy nerve and muscle functioning, blood cholesterol may decrease, reduction of PMS symptoms, it may reduce asthma symptoms and increases levels of serotonin to ease sleep.Vitamin B6 may be found in Avocados, Bananas, Beef liver, Chicken, Fortified cereals, Ground beef, Ham, Hazelnuts, Potatoes, Salmon, Shrimp, Soybeans, Sunflower seeds, Tuna and Wheat germSuggested amounts:-Men: 1.3 mg-Men (Over 50): 1.7 mg-Women: 1.3 mg-Women (Over 50): 1.5 mg-Pregnancy: 1.9 mg-Lactation: 2.0 mg

Vitamin B-5 (Pantothenic Acid) , is know as the "anti-stress vitamin", it is part of the B group of vitamins, it is a water-soluble vitamin. This nutrient can be made in the body by the intestinal flora. B-5 is very important to the secretion of hormones, these hormones assist the body with metabolism, help with allergies, and beneficial to the nerves, skin, and muscles. a daily doseage, would be 10mg. its not really toxic, but tomuch can give you diarrhea, digestive disturbances and water retention. B-5 can be found in: beef, brewer’s yeast, eggs, fresh vegetables, kidney, legumes, liver, mushrooms, nuts, pork, royal jelly, saltwater fish, torula yeast, whole rye flour, and whole wheat

Class Fruits
Peach-The peach is traditionally used for blood problems, constipation and indigestion but it tastes very good. Good source of calcium, iron, vitamin c, and vitamin B-1 and 2. When buying peaches you want very orange ones and has a nice soft squishy touch. When juicing a peach it can be thick so you can add apple juice or water to even it out and get a better taste. The 3 largest vitamins are vitamin C, niacin and vitamin A.

Oranges-Orange juice is good for: anemia, constipation, indigestion, lungs, skin problems, weight loss, blood, gout, liver, scurvy, and strengthening blood vessels. the are a good source of: calcium, chlorine, copper,fluorine, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, zinc, vitamins B-1-2-6, E, K, bioflavanoids, biotin, folic acid, and insole . good when they have think skin, good color and weight. it is a citrus, and so exercise after drinking. always take off the rind, but leave the white stuff. the rind can cause rectal problems if ingested.

Kiwi-juice it traditionally used for treating and preventing scurvy. It is a good source of vitamin C. It is fresh if is firm but can be squeezed slightly. (no important info)Kiwi if exceptionally high in vitamin C and should be drank immediately after juicing to get the max vitamin C. Kiwi is high in vitamin c, e, and niacin.

Watermelon-Watermelon juice is traditionally used for bladder problems, constipation, kidney problems, skin disorders and also as a digestive tonic. It is a good source of Vitamin A, B complex and Vitamin C. When you press a finger onto the stem area of a fresh watermelon it will give but then rebound after. It is important to keep in mind that watermelons are best drunk alone as apposed to in a concoction. Sense most of the nutrients in watermelons are found in the rind it is best to juice the entire watermelon. The three greatest amounts of vitamins in watermelon are Vitamin C,folate, and Pentatonic acid.

Cranberries-are traditionally used for: bladder, diuretic, fluid retention, hemorrhoids, indigestion, kidneys, lung congestion, piles, rectal problems, skin disorders, urinary tract problems, and weight loss. Cranberry juice is a good source of: calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, sodium,sulfur, vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C, and folic acid. The freshest cranberries are firm with a rich, deep color.

Pineapple-was traditionally used for weight loss, inflammation, digestive problems, blood disorders, gout, and sciatica. Pineapple has a few good sources of various thing. They are calcium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, andbromelain . When buying pineapple you should look for ones that have a sweet smell and a golden color to them. If a pineapple is organic then you can juice the rind too. The rind carries a good source ofbromelain which is a natural digestive enzyme. Pineapple caries high sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, and niacin.

Class Vegetables
Yams Are a tuber native to Africa and Asia and are similar to potatoes in use. Yams are a good source of Vitamin C, dietary fiber, Vitamin B6, potassium, and manganese. Yams can be stored at room temperature for six months, and so do not necessitate freshness other than a hard skin and soft internal meat. Many verities of Yams exist, with varying color, size and texture. When compared to potatoes yams are superior in many ways. Having higher prolonged energy content, higher anti-oxidants, lower saturated fats and a high potassium low sodium ratio which helps to maintain lower blood pressure. The three most abundant Vitamins in Yams are…Vitamin C.................16.5mgPantothenic Acid0...0.4mgNiacin0.....................0.8mg

Celery-Is traditionally used for: asthma, constipation, fluid retention, gout, insomnia, kidney problems, liver problems, lung problems, nervous problems, and weight loss. Celery is a good source of sodium and chlorophyll. For the freshest celery, choose celery stalks that are firm and as dark as possible. Avoid limp celery stalks.

Dustin-Carrots-Are traditionally used for: acne, arthritis, asthma, bladder problems, cancer, cataracts, eye problems, hay fever, liver problems, skin problems, ulcers, and weight loss. Carrots are a good source of: calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Look for carrots which are dark orange and without cracks for the freshest taste. Some organic growers sell juicing carrots.

Kale-Is traditionally Used For: Anemia, Asthma, Arthritis Circulation, Eye Problems, Hair Loss, Hay Fever, Impotence Liver, Skin Problems, Ulcers, Weight Loss. Kale is best in the spring or fall. Look for firm Kale leaves. Due to the fact that Kale is a green juice, you will find it beneficial to have no more than about ¼ of your juice consisting of green juice. Kale can have a powerful taste, although it's definitely a vegetable worth juicing to its high chlorophyll content.

Vegetable2: (Iceberg)-Lettuce: Traditionally Used For:Anemia, Constipation, Hair Loss, Insomnia, Liver, Nervous System, Weight Loss. A Good Source Of:Calcium, Chlorine, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Silicon, Sulfur, Vitamin A, Vitamin E

Garlic-Is traditionally used for problems in the immune system, skin problems and you blood pressure. Good source for calcium, Vitamin B-1, sodium, potassium, iron, and magnesium. For a freshness test all you have to do it look for a big head on a piece of garlic. Garlic has a very strong and hot taste so only use a little bit at a time. The 3 largest quantity’s of vitamins in garlic
are vitamin c, niacin andPantothenic acid.

Gabe-Ginger-Is a commonly used for as a spice that you would put on other foods like chicken but traditionally used for colds, the digestive system, expectorant, immune system and mucous. The ends of a ginger root is dry and the taste is strong so only use a little at a time. The 3 largest vitamins that would get out of a ginger root would be vitamin c, niacin, andPantothenic acid.

Kiya-red peppers-are used to help with: Artery cleaning, circulation, hair loss, skin problems, arthritis, eyes,and high blood pressure. red peppers are a good source of potassium, silicon, vitamin A, and vitamin C. freash peppers are slightly shiny, waxed ones are not so good. red pepper juice is considered a green juice, therefore, you will find it beneficial to have no more than about ¼ of your juice consisting of green juice. dont use to much they have a strong flavor, about 1/4 of the pepper will work.

Kiya-Parsley-is used for: anemia, bladder problems, endocrine system, kidneys, prostate, urinary tract, arthritis, circulation, eye problems, liver, skin, and weight loss. parsley is a good source of: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, vitamin A, vitamin C, and chlorophyll. the freash ones will have dark green leaves. DO NOT DRINK JUST PARSLEY JUICE! IT IS A NATURAL DIURETIC! IT IS TO POWERFUL! really strong, about 1 ounce per 8 ounces of juice you drink. Parsley is high in oxalic acid and should be avoided by those who suffer from or are at risk for kidney stones, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and those whose stomach is easily irritated. Read my notes on oxalic acid for more information.

Haskell-Zucchini-is a type of squash that resembles a cucumber in size and shape made up of 95% water, and is a refreshing addition to a salad. Zucchini contains vitamin C and lutein, which is important for healthy eyes and seeing at night. Vitamin C helps heal cuts and scrapes faster and fights off sniffles and colds. One zucchini has 25 calories and became popular in the U.S. in the 1950's. They are available year round. They are also rich in fiber which helps the digestive system and prevents constipation.

Molly-Parsnipwas originally used for acne, asthma, cataracts, hey fever, skin problems, weakness, arthritis, bladder, eyes, liver, ulcers, and weight loss. This vegetable has a few good sources. Some of the sources include, chlorine, silicon,phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, and vitamin C. Parsnip is a sweet tasting vegetable. When buying parsnip look for creamy parsnips with good size. It is good to mix with other vegetables to tone down its strong taste. Parsnip also add a good taste when juicing. Three normally found vitamins in Parsnip are Vitamin C, Niacan, and Pantothenic Acid.

Molly-Radishes-were originally used for asthma, lung, asthma, thyroid, skin, and Eczema problems. This vegetable has a good source of iron, sodium, magnesium, vitamin C, and potassium. When buying radishes pick nice and red ones. If one you buy has green on the top then cut it off to make sure it still has its nutrients. It is important that radishes and radish sprouts are mixed with other vegetables because they have a strong taste. You should also only use small amounts. Seeing how they have a strong taste it is nice to mix them with apple juice or other juices. The three most commonly found vitamins in radishes are, Vitamin C, Niacan, and Pentatonic Acid.

Hodsen-Cucumber-Cucumber juice is used for treating acne, hair loss,arthritis, fluid loss, high blood pressure, and for weight loss. It is a good source of potassium, vitamin A, manganese, silicon, and sulfur. Fresh cucumbers are dark green with a bumpy surface and about 10-20 cm long. Cucumbers contain a lot of water and people in hot countries drink cucumber juice to stay cool. Cucumbers contain a lot of vitamin c, a, and niacin.(no important info)

Hodsen-Green Cabbage-Green cabbage is traditionally used for asthma, lung problems, bladder problems, constipation, high blood pressure, and hair loss. It is a cheep available vegetable that has more nutrients raw rather than cooked. Green cabbage is a good source of sulfur, iodine, vitamin U,potassium, vitamin b-6, and vitamin c. The way to tell if it is fresh is if it is solid and heavy with full color leaves. Important information about cabbage is that it may cause an increase in gas and intestinal cramping. The three greatest vitamins in cabbage are vitamin c, a, and niacin.

My Projects

Vitamin B-3 (Niacin)

Vitamin b-3 can be found in the following liver, heart, kidney, chicken, eggs and milk and also in tomatoes and broccoli. The recommended daily allowance of niacin is 2-12 mg a day for children 14 mg a day for women, 16 mg a day for men. People taking pharmacological doses of niacin (1.5 - 6 g per day) often experience a syndrome of side-effects that can include one or more of the following facial flushing and itching liver toxicity

Vegetable: Kale Traditionally Used For: Anemia, Asthma, Arthritis Circulation, Eye Problems, Hair Loss, Hay Fever, Impotence Liver, Skin Problems, Ulcers, Weight Loss. Kale is best in the spring or fall. Look for firm Kale leaves. Due to the fact that Kale is a green juice, you will find it beneficial to have no more than about ¼ of your juice consisting of green juice. Kale can have a powerful taste, although it's definitely a vegetable worth juicing to its high chlorophyll content.

Vegetable2: (Iceberg) Lettuce: Traditionally Used For:Anemia, Constipation, Hair Loss, Insomnia, Liver, Nervous System, Weight Loss. A Good Source Of:Calcium, Chlorine, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Silicon, Sulfur, Vitamin A, Vitamin E

Fruit: Lemon Traditionally Used For:Anemia, Arthritis, Blood, Constipation, Gout, Indigestion Skin Problems, Toxin Elimination, Weight Loss. Some people peel the skin and some don't. If you peel the skin, make sure you leave some of the white membrane on the fruit. The white membrane contains the bioflavanoids. The bioflavanoids help the body absorb and use Vitamin C.

Food Pyramid
My Pyramid Plan
This plan is a 3200 calorie food pattern. It is based on average needs for someone like you. (A 18 year old male, 6 feet 0 inches tall, 198 pounds, physically active more than 60 minutes a day.) Your food needs also depend on your rate of growth and other factors. See a health care provider who can track your height and weight over time to identify your specific needs.
Grains 10 ounces. Vegetables 4 cups. Fruits 2.5 cups. Milk 3 cups. Meat&Beans 7 ounces.

Juicing Project Passion Cocktail the followingjuicing project will contain the following
6 strawberries
1.5 large chuck pineapple
1.5 bunch black grapes

This juice will be good for many things the strawberries will be good for helping,Acne
Constipation, Fluid Retention,Gout,Kidneys and weight loss. Strawberries are a good source of
Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Vitamin C.
The Pineapple is traditionally used for Digestive Problems, Gout, Inflammation, Sciatica
Weight Loss. Pineapple is a good source of Chlorine, Phosphorus, Potassium,Sodium
Sulfur. The grapes will be good because they are traditionally used for lots of things such as
Anemia, Cancer, Constipation, Gout , Hemorrhoids, Indigestion , Kidneys, Liver
Nervous System Relaxer, Skin Disorders, Weight Loss.

Vegetables. What counts as a cup of vegetables?
In general, 1 cup of raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or 2 cups of raw leafy greens can be considered as 1 cup from the vegetable group. The chart lists specific amounts count as 1 cup of vegetables (in some cases equivalents for ½ cup are also shown) towards your recommended intake:

Why is it important to eat vegetables?
Eating vegetables provides health benefits — people who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Vegetables provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.

For the best nutritional value:
Select vegetables with more potassium often, such as sweetpotatoes, white potatoes, white beans, tomato products (paste, sauce, and juice), beet greens, soybeans, lima beans, winter squash, spinach, lentils, kidney beans, and split peas.

Reflective Writes

9/4/07 Today we had to sign up on our schools wiki by typing in our user name and password then we had to change our password to what ever we wanted it to be then we had to sign back in to make sure that it worked. then we had to add 5 blogs.

9/6/2007 Today in class we discussed what we thought health was. . We also went outside and did an activity that showed us how people can complete a task differently, and helped us investigate which activity would go with what component of health. Then we also had to think about what our best experience has been in high school, and what our worst experience has been so far. What is juicing and why would you want to have juicing be part of a health lifestyle? One of the main advantages of juicing is the nutrients that it allows you to consume.

9/10/2007 The first thing that we did today in class was take a survey about habits that we do such as eating and stress and exercise. Then we shared what our number was for the answer. Then we discussed juicing, and watched a couple cheesy videos on it. Some of the things that I learned from the videos were that; when you are juicing you should keep the peel on it , and you should discard the green ones because they could be toxic. Lemons-You need to scrub, and remove the peel.. It is bitter, and it can be toxic.

9/12/07 The first thing that we did in class this morning was go online, and we took a loot at some people's blogs.. To see if they have been doing there work or not. Then we discussed that our reflective writes are 20% of our total grade.Then we went online and took a look at del.ici.ous.com and what we can do on it . Then we learned how to create an account. We also went into flikr.com and learned what we can do on there The last thing that we did today was started looking at the food pyramid.

9/17/08 Today we started juicing Mr. Cohun did the first juicing activity in front of the class so we could all see how we are supposed to do it when it is our turn. He did apple juice. After he got done juicing the apples we got to eat the thick foam on top it tasted like dirt but once we got to the juice it tasted good. Then after we got done juicing we had a couple of kids in class go over what their vitamins, fruits, and vegetables were then we got to ask questions.

9/21/07 Today in class Mr. Cohun allowed us all to go to the computer lab to work on our labs. He did this so everybody could be passing for progress reports. I posted every body's projects from the class into my shared projects part of my blog.

9/25/07 Ricky came in today from Planned Parenthood to talk about STI's. He wanted us to know about the 7 most common STI's that infected teenagers. The 7 were chlamydia, gonerea, syphilis, HIV/ AIDS, genital herpes, genital warts, and crabs and talked about how we get them, what they do to you body, how to treat them and then the serious side effects if not treated.

9/27/07 Ricky came in class today one again but not to talk about STI's but to talk about the different kinds of birth control like spermicides, male condoms, women's condoms. The best way of birth control is not having sex.

10/01/07 10/1/07 Today Sarah was going to make her tropical juice, but she had pomegranates rather than mangoes her project was put off until another day. We then went over some of the vitamin projects we had done. Vitamin b1 causes beriberi. None of us knew what that was so we looked it up as a class.

10/3/07 Today was Gabe's day to juice. He didn't come prepared and we didn't know how to juice bananas. we got a food processor was needed. You got one from the foods class but couldn't get it to work so again we didn't have any juice. Then we talked about politics.

10/04/07 Today in class we watched a movie called the power of choice it was about a guy who went around to different schools and talked about how everybody has problems.

10/09/07 Today Mr. Cohun gave us an assignment on tobacco. i had to research the psychological effects on people. Then went to the computer lab and did the research.